Share your flooding experience

The River Thames provides recreation, health and economic opportunity for many. However, flooding events can be devastating, leaving lasting impact which can be financial and emotional. Damaged homes, disrupted businesses, and the chronic worry of future flooding can cause significant stress and uncertainty for residents and business owners living and working along the river.

The River Thames Scheme (RTS) is designed to address these flooding challenges by creating a new flood channel in two sections and capacity improvements to existing river structures. As well as creating new green open spaces, sustainable travel routes and enhancing biodiversity.

Local residents and businesses can benefit from understanding the lived experiences of those who have unfortunately been directly impacted by flooding. Sharing firsthand experiences of flooding, will play a crucial role in raising awareness of how others may be able to mitigate the risks of flooding to some extent in the short term. Or that if the unthinkable happens and your home or business is flooded, have clearer plans and links of where to get support should it be needed.

Are you a resident or business owner who has been effected by flooding in the past?

Your story will be a powerful testament to the scheme's potential, helping others understand the true impact of flooding and the positive changes the scheme aims to achieve. Your contribution will be invaluable in helping others understand the schemes objectives.

Are you interested in sharing your story? We are looking for willing participants who reside along the scheme area and are keen to share their flooding story either verbally, on video or as a written piece. Register your interest and a member of our Communications and Engagement Team will be in touch to discuss further details.

A graphic that reads 'share your story of flooding' with a icon of a house