Engineers making a difference

River Thames Scheme (RTS) colleague Ayo Sokale is one of the role models featured in a new book entitled Engineers Making a Difference.

Authored by award-winning mechanical engineer turned TV producer and presenter Dr Shini Somara, the book encourages young people to consider engineering as a career by highlighting the different options offered by the profession and the variety of individuals working within it.

Subtitled: "Technicians, scientists and tech entrepreneurs changing the world, and how you can join them", the book is aimed primarily at 12-15-year-olds and will be sent to every secondary school in the UK.

Its 12 chapters feature engineering role models from a range of backgrounds currently working in sectors from the environment, to robotics, to entertainment.

Ayo said: "I'm really proud to have been part of this fantastic book. It gives young people lots of key information about the different ways in which engineers influence our world and will hopefully inspire many to join the profession (and perhaps one day to be part of projects like the RTS).

"There are so many fantastic careers in engineering and it's great to be involved in sharing them with the next generation."

Picture of a female sat on a boat on the river thames

Two copies of the book will be sent to every secondary school in the UK, (one for classroom use and one for the school's library). These will be accompanied by other resources including a laminated timeline for classrooms, illustrating engineering feats that have shaped our world.

Click here to watch Ayo and Dr Shini discussing her work on the RTS and explaining the role of weirs on the River Thames.