Consultation comes to a close

During November and December of 2022, we were out consulting the public on our plans and asking for feedback on our proposals for the River Thames Scheme (RTS). We held ten face-to-face exhibition events and seven virtual events and spoke to over one thousand people with our technical experts on hand to answer any questions raised by the public.

Thank you to all those that attended an event and thank you to all those hundreds of people who completed the feedback questionnaire.

All the feedback we received will be carefully considered by the landscape architects, civil engineers, environmental scientists, water modelling experts and others working on the River Thames Scheme.

During the first half of 2023 we will be reporting back on the feedback received during the consultation. This report will summarise the feedback received and will be made available to the public once ready. A later report will show how we have made changes in response to feedback and or why we have been unable to make the changes suggested. This will be published on the website:

As the RTS moves towards its Development Consent Order (DCO), a further public consultation is planned. This further consultation, proposed in late 2023, will share the latest proposals which have evolved following feedback to the 2022 consultation and give communities another opportunity to feed into the proposals before the Development Consent Order is submitted.