Our commitment to public engagement
Published: 20 March 2024
As part of the Development Consent Order (DCO) process, we will consult with communities and stakeholders on the plans for the River Thames Scheme.
All the feedback we receive will be carefully considered by the civil engineers, environmental scientists, water modellers and other experts working on the project.
It is important you engage with us at this stage whilst the scheme is being shaped. This stage is your chance to shape it by suggesting, for example, alternative layouts or plans or ways of reducing the impact or enhancing some aspects.
All relevant comments and suggestions will be logged. We will explain where and how we have made changes in response to feedback or why we have been unable to make the changes suggested.
We will publish a report setting out all the feedback we have received, how we considered it and the results as part of our Development Consent Order Application.
We will publicise how we are going to consult you and will inform you where events will take place and how long you will have to respond to the consultation.
Keep an eye out for adverts in local papers, on our website and in local community meeting places for information on how to get involved.

Engaging with communities at an event
Previous consultations
All information regarding our 2009, 2016, 2022 and 2024 consultations are available on our website.
Document history
Published: 20 March 2024
Updated: 07 March 2025