Share your feedback

Published: 05 March 2024

Our statutory consultation is now closed.

The River Thames Scheme statutory consultation took place between 22 January 2024 and 4 March 2024.

Thank you to all of you who attended a consultation event and also to the hundreds of you who took the time to provide feedback. We are now carefully analysing all the feedback received and will update this website in due course.

Share your feedback!

Consultation runs between 12.00am on Monday 22 January to 23.59pm on Monday 4 March.

We are now seeking your views as part of our statutory consultation, where we are presenting more detailed proposals for the River Thames Scheme (RTS).

This is a statutory consultation being undertaken under the requirements of the Planning Act 2008. Statutory Consultation gives you the opportunity to share your views on the scheme's proposals and shape the scheme ahead of the submission of the Development Consent Order (DCO) to the Planning Inspectorate.

Please refer to our StoryMaps Consultation website for additional information that will help you provide us with your feedback on our proposals.

We have also produced a set of consultation documents that will provide you with information on the project. These documents include:

  • Statutory Consultation Booklet
  • Our Prelininary Environmental Information Report (PEIR) and Non-Technical Summary
  • Map books and flood maps
  • Consultation event materials.

Electronic copies of all the consultation documents can be found in our document library.

How to provide feedback

We value your feedback, and it will play an important role in refining and shaping the scheme. To ensure your responses are considered in the scheme's development, kindly submit them by the deadline - 23.59pm on 4 March.

Whilst it would help us get a complete picture of your views if you answered all the questions, you are not required to do so. If particular questions, or sets of questions, are of interest to you, please answer those in the feedback form.

  • Online: The easiest way is to complete the feedback form online through CitizenSpace. You can save your responses and return at your convenience. On average, the feedback form could take 30 to 45 minutes to answer all questions.
  • By Post: Fill out a paper copy of the feedback form and mail it to us using our Freepost address: FREEPOST RTUK – RBLY – XUBT, RIVER THAMES SCHEME, 5 First Street, Manchester, M15 4GU. Paper copies are available at our events or upon request via post or email.
  • By Email: If you're unable to complete the feedback form, email us at Clearly state in your email that it is your RTS consultation feedback for it to be considered.

Complete the feedback form online

Document history

Published: 05 March 2024

Updated: 05 March 2024


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