Previous public consultations

Published: 05 March 2024

The River Thames Scheme (RTS) is committed to engaging with the public about its proposals. We have held four consultations on the proposals: one in 2009, one in 2016, one in 2022 and one in 2024.

Public Consultation - 21 September 2009 to 18 December 2009

This consultation proposed measures to reduce the risk of flooding to the 15,000 properties which were at risk from a 1% flood event. The affected area was from Datchet to Teddington. The proposals included the construction of three flood diversion channels, the widening of Desborough Cut and improvements to Sunbury, Molesey and Teddington weirs. There were 10 public events, in addition to a specific meeting with Thorpe Ward Residents Association, and 16 meetings with Councillors, land owners and other community representatives.

Lower Thames Flood Risk Management Strategy - Consultation document (PDF)

Lower Thames Flood Risk Management Strategy - summary of comments and responses to consultation (PDF)

2009 Consultation Summary

Public Consultation - Autumn 2016

This consultation engaged with local communities to gather feedback on different aspects of the scheme, including recreational opportunities, habitat creation and weir design. An appraisal of the proposed design options for each area, considering a range of social, environmental, economic and technical factors was completed. This engagement was crucial in the selection of the preferred option.

2016 Consultation Summary

Public Consultation - 8 November 2022 to 20 December 2022

During the 2022 public consultation, we received 485 responses to the consultation. 447 were via the questionnaire and 38 were via email or letter. The RTS asked residents in the area for feedback on a range of topics including ranking in order their preference between access to green space, connection to wildlife and a sustainable travel network. The responses will be used to develop the design of the scheme.

Non-statutory consultation brochure (PDF)

Non-statutory consultation summary report (PDF)

Statutory Consultation - 22 January 2024 to 4 March 2024

The statutory consultation asked residents for feedback on a range of topics, including their preferred use of blue and green infrastructure, and unveiled the Landscape and Green Infrastructure designs following feedback from the 2022 consultation.

Consultation materials available in the document library

Consultation StoryMaps

Digital Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR)

Document history

Published: 05 March 2024

Updated: 05 March 2024


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