Green open spaces

Published: 05 March 2024

A key aim of the River Thames Scheme is to provide better access to green open spaces, connect people with wildlife and deliver a more sustainable travel network. We'll deliver these improvements by creating new public areas with new footpaths and cycleways. Areas will be as accessible as possible, allowing people to connect with nature and so contribute to their health and wellbeing.

Providing more green space along the river will open up opportunities for leisure activities such as jogging, walking, cycling, sports and games. These green spaces can provide social, mental, and physical health benefits for our community.

New visitor facilities will welcome a diverse range of people of all ages. These could include sports pitches, bike tracks, sculpture trails, and spaces for play and performance.

New wetlands introduced along the river or the new channel sections will attract a wide range of fish, birds, and other wildlife. Improvements to grassland and vegetation will increase the variety of plants and animals. Tree planting and woodland improvement will capture carbon and restore the natural landscape.

There is an opportunity to create education areas too, by installing descriptive boards with facts on local wildlife and heritage. There is a need to balance the priorities of creating high quality wildlife habitats, providing leisure facilities, and an active travel network. The three things must support each other.

Document history

Published: 05 March 2024

Updated: 05 March 2024


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